What is Code Signing Certificate & How to Use It?

Code Signing

The majority of people do not give much thought to their online security and privacy. However, with the rise of malware and phishing attacks, personal information such as bank accounts, social security numbers, and other sensitive information can be easily compromised. Code Signing certificate is a powerful tool for ensuring your online security and privacy.

What is Code Signing Certificate?

It is a method of ensuring the security of a software’s code/script, allowing the author to distribute the content over the internet without fear of third-party tampering. As a result, a This Certificate certifies that the content or software shared by an author or developer is authentic and reliable.

What role does trust play in Code Signing?

A trusted root certification authority should sign code certificates using a secure public key infrastructure (PKI). Certification authorities are organisations that issue certificates to entities whose identity has been verified and have been determined to be trustworthy. A chain of CAs verifies certificates. Each certificate is linked to the certificate of the certificate authority (CA) that signed it. You can ensure that a certificate is valid by following this chain path to a trusted CA. If a user’s system is configured to trust a specific certificate authority and he receives an executable signed by an entity validated by that authority, he can choose to trust the executable by proxy.

This does not imply that the code itself is trustworthy; rather, it indicates that it was signed by a particular legal entity. Even if a hacker obtains a code signing certificate and signs a virus, he will be held legally responsible. Applicants to commercial CAs must agree not to distribute software that they know or should have known contains viruses or would otherwise harm a user’s computer or code in addition to validating an entity’s identity.

What is an EV Code Signing Certificate?

An EV Code signing certificate necessitates more thorough validation than a standard code signing certificate, and it frequently displays this information to the user. To provide two-factor authentication, EV certificates are usually issued on a hardware token. They’re ideal for signing device drivers and other high-trust software because Microsoft Smart Screen Filter includes reputation by default.

Why to use Code Signing Certificate?

There are a number of compelling arguments for implementing these certificates. Some of them are listed below:


The software is stamped with an authentication stamp that displays the author’s name and website, as well as an indication that the application has not been tampered with, after the author signs the code or script of the software using this technology. It tells users that the software’s author is reliable, and they can install it.

Elimination of Popup Errors

Browsers will warn users if a programme does not have a code signing certificate via popup alerts and messages. This could detract from the user’s experience and make them less likely to use the software.


Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks are very common on the internet. Third parties can intercept software or applications that are shared online in order to tamper with the code or view its contents. They cannot access or tamper with a file that has been digitally signed with the certificate, ensuring that your files and online reputation remain safe.


Producing and distributing software and applications with a code signing certificate helps to build a reliable brand reputation by increasing user trust within their demographic and with the issuing authority.

How to use Code Signing Certificate?

You must complete the following steps after purchasing a code signing certificate from a reputable Certificate Authority:

Step 1: An email with an installation link for the new or reissued code signing certificate will be sent to you. Within 30 days of receiving the email, you must create or reissue the certificate.

Step 2: When you open the provided link in your browser, it will be added to your Windows certificate store or your Mac’s login keychain.

Step 3: To create and install the code signing certificate, click the ‘Generate Certificate’ button.

Step 4: You can sign your own code with the code signing certificate installed.

Step 5: The code signing certificate can be saved as a.pfx file for Windows and a.p12 file for Mac.

What happens when a Code Signing Certificate expires?

Certificates for code sign are valid for up to four years. However, only your ability to create new signatures is hampered after they expire. Your previous signatures are still valid and functional. You simply need to reissue the certificate if this happens.

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